Saturday - December 11, 2004

Group Photo!

Man overboard drill.

Scuba team readying to deploy.

Communications and radar.  We were able to tour most of the ship.  The personnel conducted tours every day, all day long.  We were kept very busy and got a work-out going from one end of the ship to the other and from to bottom. There are multiple backup plans for all systems.  The final and ultimate backup for communication is morse code!

Getting ready for a fire drill.

We had 5-6 foot seas.  There were a number of crew that were not feeling too good!

Typical P-way.  Miles of them!

Weather station office.

View out the hangar bay.

Picture right out of the stern.

I wish I wrote down the information on the anchors and chain.  However, there are thousands of feet of chain.  Each link is huge and weighs quite a bit.

Looking down the anchor chain chute to the water.

Rat guards for the lines!

Fueling hoses.  This ship can transfer fuel to another ship and also receive fuel.  These are the hoses used to transfer fuel.  This is one long continuous hose.  They will shoot a small line to the other vessel which will be around 200 feet from each other.  It is attached to a cable on our end.  The other ship will pull in the line and cable.  They will attach the cable to a winch which will then pull the hose to their ship.  They insert the hose into a fitting and begin pumping.  

These are the receptacles to receive fuel.  One for diesel and one for jet fuel.

This is the boat used for man overboard and other uses.

Duane and Jim.

This is in the rear of the ship where they off-load the Hover Crafts and prepare to deploy the landing force.  When not on deployment, they place flooring in this area and play basketball and hockey.
This is a plaque that came from the original USS Iwo Jima which was decommissioned in 1963.

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