According to Greg, there are thousands of wild boar on the ranch.  They reproduce every 120 days so you can imagine how they could overpopulate.  We came across several families who would scamper across the trail.  One time a male seemed to be pretty agitated, but Greg gave the signal to Bear who stood them off.  There is a wild hog in the picture above, but if you can't spot it, scroll down to the next picture where I have circled it.  They will capture a number of them, pen them up for a few weeks and feed them a good corn feed.  This removes most of the gamey flavor from the meat.  They will eat the wild hog themselves, give to employees and serve them at their barbeques.  They were absolutely delicious and tender.


Well folks, this is the end of the pictures.  We had a great weekend at the Seminole Inn and are looking forward to going again.

Steven and Kim and Jack and Ans.

Please sign my guestbook and say hello!